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The income categorization is made in accordance with the applicable articles of DTA. Business profit includes the business profit stipulated both in the Business Profit Article and other articles such as Artistes and Sportsmen. Independent personal service income includes the service income stipulated both in the Independent Personal Services Article and other articles such as Artistes and Sportsmen. Dependent personal service income includes the service income stipulated both in the Dependent Personal Services Articles or income from Employment and other articles such as Artistes and Sportsmen. 75.,gh?{15h-N硚z筫_ c{|媁鉔鱏kX橯 {|媁鉔鱏:N陙L?u恘蒷cb40 Choose from following codes for Blank 15 (Approach of tax payment): 1 Self-declaration; 2 Withholding at source. 7m1.,gh?u嶯梺壂N譙YHh{|z6eOS歔卂G悇v^桬\l0 This form is required for non-residnets claiming for treatment under DTA by record.m 7 G2.,gh?{10h-N 鸑UO,{ N筫z6eE\l /fc(W鸑UO,{ N筫d柵N郪eg恘嶯鍕筫剉@b梍bPW=剮N鍕筫剉"崸N €(W鍕筫 g硚zINY 貜 gvQ諲硚zIN剉篘0 "Fiscal resident in a jurisdiction other than China & the other contracting party" in Blank 10 refers to a taxpayer that has tax payment obligations in that jurisdiction not only for income arising therefrom or for ownership of property situated therein.  I 7 6.,gh?{20h擽OHQ c擽硚z@b梍潣kXN齹芉nxkX擽硚z@b梍潣剉  c6eeQ潣kX0 Fill in the amount of taxable income in Blank 20. 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