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?/f Yes ?&T No00   7,{ N筫T饄 Name of the jurisdiction  7 19/f&T(W,{ N筫軴 ggE\@b Does the taxpayer have perment residence in a jurisdiction other than China & the other contracting party? ?/f Yes ?&T No0  &7 z |  7,{ N筫T饄 Name of the jurisdiction  720/f&T(W,{ N筫諷梍gE\YuCg Does the taxpayer have the right to permenantly stay in a jurisdiction other than China & the other contracting party? ?/f Yes?&T No   721/f&T(W,{ N筫軴 g剉昩D崫槄嵡 鵞筫昩D崫 Does the amount of investment in a jurisdiction other than China & the other contracting party exceed that in the other contracting party? ?/f Yes ?&T No   7 22g褟迯韣12*Ng匭/f&T(W,{ N筫迯韣b/}厤菑180)Y Does the taxpayer stay in a jurisdiction other than China & the other contracting party for a period or periods exceeding in the aggregate 180 days in the past 12 months? ?/f Yes ?&T No       723/f&T軴 g,{ N筫齎M| Does the taxpayer hold the nationality of a jurisdiction other than China & the other contracting party? ?/f Yes ?&T No u w | ~  7./f&T刧b-N齎z6eE\l Whether a fiscal resident of China  7E24(W-N齎僗匭/f&T gOO@b Does the taxpayer have domicile in China? ?/f Yes00?&T No079=AD 7 S25(W-N齎僗匭/f&T軴 ggE\@b Does the taxpayer have permanent residence in China? ?/f Yes00?&T0 No':EGKP 7 \26/f&T諷梍(W-N齎剉gE\YuCg Does the taxpayer have the right to permanently stay in China? ?/f Yes0?&T No0OQUX[ 7 o27(Wg褟硚zt^匭(W-N齎迯韣b/}\PYu)Ype Number of days of continuous stay or cumulative stays in China in the past taxable year  7 )28(W-N齎軴 g剉昩D崫 Amount of investment in China  7J29/f&TwQ g-N齎齎M| Does the taxpayer hold the nationality of China? ?/f Yes00?&T No0 <>BFI 7 kXh堲f Note  71,gh圍N 0^桬\l玁譙z6eOS歔卂G悺[yb3u鲖h 0D杊 ?u嶯(W 0^桬\l玁譙z6eOS歔卂G?u鲖h 0,{3h-N 愰b:N*N篘剉硚z篘0 This form is attached to the form "Non-resi< dent's claim for treatment under Double Taxation Agreement(DTA) (for apprroval)". Applicable when "individual taxpayer" is selected in Blank 3 in that form. . / <  7 2,gh?{4h-N禰璣bXTS靊M憊P0*gbt^P[sY錘蔛qQ Tu;m剉vQ諲歜{Qba峽Q篘XT0 "Family member" in Blank 4 includes spouse, dependant children, and other dependent family members living together.    '  7 5,gh gsQh-N昩D嵟Nc鵞N≧0蟸%?`D崸N孴 g鱊翄8R剉昩D0 g鱊翄8R昩D c g鱊翄8R裇L€@b(W0Wnx歔昩D?W0 "Investment" only refers to real property, operating assets and securities. Location of security investment is determined by the location of securities' issuer. 6  7j6,gh gsQh-NgE\YuCg/fcE\OO緩擭t^錘 N剉E\YuCg0 "The right to pemanently stay" refers to a right to stay for more than 5 years.   77,gh?{24h-NOO@b c 0-NNS篘lqQ孴齎*N篘@b梍z誰 0蔛vQ瀃絜ag婳孴 gsQz6e膲歔nx歔0 "Domicile" in Blank 24 is determined by the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax law and other related provisions.   +  7 &3,gh?{6h-N蟸8^E\OO0W/fcd柵N醤硩錧\O0f[`N梺墑v4N鰁E\OO0W錘Y剉錯8^u;mE\OO0W0T禰璣bXT蟸8^E\OO0WN T剉 擽(WY鑜h-N魦f烻郪 0 "Habitual residence" in Blank 6 refers to the residence for daily life, other than temporary stay for work or study. If family members have different habitual residence, please specify the reasons in "Additional information".   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