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"Location" in Blanks 13 & 19 refers to place of registration or place of habitual residence as the case may be.  !$&: 7 4. 婲瀃臽礠蟘饛 Nh梺塳XR c鵞筫誰媉刧bz6eE\l剉婲瀃 婳俌鵞筫齎匭誰菓諷鑜孮0Wh芉$R歔z6eE\l剉 擽魦fON鑜孮0W0鑜孮鰁魰I{鑜孮臽礠0 The Blank of "Description of facts" refers to the facts based on which the taxpayer qualifies as a fiscal resident in accordance with laws of the other contracting party. For example, if the status of fiscal resident is determined by place of registration, the place and time of registration shall be provided.  M 7}5.,{18h髞,{21h gsQkX篘NMO嶯,{ N筫剉sQT€筫f/e豊臽礠 颯臢kX梺TNMO嶯,{ N筫剉sQT€筫/e豊>ky槃vD嵮P70yr笅Cg笅颯0衏汷€b/gbtg孴"崸Nl彥嫟Nf0 For "Transactions and payments to associated parties from jurisdictions other than China & the other contracting party" from Blank 18 to 21, it is only applicable to the payment for transactions on loans, franchise & license, provision of technical or managerial service, and property alienation. T 7 >6.kX,gh場e颯茐棡X燫D杣0 Additional pages can be attached if necessary. 7 qPersonal Information of non-residnets claiming for treatment under Double Taxation Agreement(DTA)(for enterprise) 7硚z篘鶺,g酧o` 7(WvQE\l齎T饄 7-N 7駛 7@b梍蛓{| 7 T TT饄 7 T T褢潣 7 @b梍婲y 74 -NNS篘lqQ孴齎 T ~{歔剉怣Q蘏蛻乢zOS歔,{ ag,{ >k0  7 玁譙OS歔卂G愊QMQz潣 7 玁譙OS歔卂G悑Ny 7(W-N齎僗匭剉T饄 ^桬\l玁譙OS歔卂G惀bJTh 7,g!k6eeQ潣 7@?uOS歔卂G恆g>k 7@?uOS歔z噑 7@擽硚z@b梍潣 7 擽硚z潣 7誰歔z噑 7 t^ g 錯 7= 褢潣USMO篘l^CQR髞覊R  7硚z茓+R鱏 7 ^桬\l玁譙OS歔卂G惈廄N酧o`JTh?u嶯ON  7b1H00000000000kX錯g Date 000000t^ g 錯 Y/M/D  #$'( 7<4(W鵞筫剉ON{|媁0Business type in the other contracting party0000 8 7-N噀T饄 Name in Chinese 7-(W鵞筫剉T饄 Name in the other contracting party  7€E3(W鵞筫硚z茓+R鱏 Tax identification number in the other contracting party0 D 7€5Y鑜 Additional information 76刧b鵞筫z6eE\l剉齎匭誰媉漁nc蟘饛: Legal provisions prescribing the status of the taxpayer as a fiscal resident of the other contracting party  7€7刧b鵞筫z6eE\l剉婲瀃臽礠蟘饛: Description of facts based on which the taxpayer qualifies as a fiscal resident of the other contracting party  7@蜰-N齎諷梍剉@b梍(W鵞筫硚z臽礠P枎NReQz6eOS歔?u凈V剉z蛓  Information of tax payment in the other contracting party on the income derived from China (taxes covered by DTA only)# 7g褟Nt^匭魐b魰c,gONCg蕍齆潣緩0R錘 N剉,{ N筫N臽礠 Information of shareholders holding directly or indirectly at least 10 per cent of shares of the applicant in the past year, who are from jurisdictions other than China & the contracting party# 7 .(W鵞筫剉蟸%勁`礠 Operation in the contracting party  7 |15g褟Nt^(W鵞筫剉;N亯蟸%剏橆v蔛N蟘饛 Description of major operation projects and business in the contracting party in the past year 0{ 7 a16g褟Nt^eg恘嶯鵞筫剉6eeQ;`潣 Total amount of gross income arising in the contracting party in the past year 7 T17g褟Nt^(W鵞筫剉菛XT篘pe Number of employees in the other contracting party in the past year 7 g褟Nt^孴\egNMO嶯,{ N筫剉sQT€筫f/e豊臽礠 Transactions and payments to associated parties from jurisdictions other than China & the other contracting party in the past year and in the future 7 ?wQ g靣藌硚z0WMO剉%?R瀃SO Business entity with independent tax status ?NwQ g靣藌硚z0WMO剉%?R瀃SO < Business entity without independent tax status ??e淾Government ?^??R膥莮 Non-profitable organization ?vQ諲 Others@P 7 8 廭鱏 No. 79 z蛓T饄 Type of tax  7"10 ?uz噑bz噑h Effective tax rate(s)   7z11 玁譙鵞筫齎匭螿MQzO郹剉誰媉漁nc蔛ag噀蟘饛 Legal provisions prescribing tax deduction or exemption enjoyed in the other contracting party  7 12NT饄 Name 713@b(W0W Location 714c詋婳 Share in % 7%18 sQT€f鵞筫T饄 Name of associated party   719 @b(W0W Location0 720 f{|媁 Type of transaction 721 /e豊褢潣 Amount of payment 7 D桍N  Annex 3 7 kXh堲f Note 7 1.,gh圍N 0^桬\l玁譙z6eOS歔卂G悺[yb3u鲖h 0剉D杊 ?u嶯(W 0^桬\l玁譙z6eOS歔卂G?u鲖h 0,{3h-N 愰bON剉硚z篘0 This form is attached to the form "Non-resident's claim for treatment under Double Taxation Agreement(DTA) (for apprroval)". 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